Marketing ZEN: Bringing Humanity Back into Your Business
Date & Time: Mon, Oct 14, 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Venue: ICC Sydney, Room C2.5 & C2.6 - Short Talks

In an uncertain social and economic environment, the difficulty of running a business is increasing. At the same time, modern digital marketing, which fuels consumer anxiety, is reaching its limits. Companies are now required to restructure their marketing strategies. The Zen approach is a powerful tool in this environment. Marketing ZEN is a new marketing concept that incorporates Japanese Zen philosophy. Marketing ZEN is a marketing approach in which companies look at themselves, let go of unnecessary marketing channels, and become aware of the sustainable environment and relationships with their stakeholders. It returns to the original customer-oriented approach, bringing companies not to scalability, but to circulation and sustainability. Join Shinji Tanaka on a journey to bring humanity back into our businesses.
When and where
Date and time
Mon, Oct 14, 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
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