Featured Session | Embracing Healthy Conflict and Managing Tensions on Your Team with Amy Gallo
Date & Time: Wed, Oct 16, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Venue: ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour Theatre
Is there a lot of unspoken tension or gossiping on your team? Do colleagues shut down opposing views or blame others when things go wrong? Do you find yourself wishing everyone would just get along?! Research shows that teams in which people feel free to safely disagree outperform other teams. They make better decisions. And the friction that accompanies disagreement can allow for creativity and growth. You can’t have a diverse, inclusive, productive team without some healthy fights. But there’s a difference between constructive conflicts and backstabbing. In this talk, Amy Gallo shares practical advice on how teams can smartly tackle tensions and disagreements and how managers can make it OK for people to dissent, debate, and express their true opinions. Amy Gallo is a workplace expert who writes and speaks about gender, interpersonal dynamics, difficult conversations, feedback, and effective communication. She works with individuals, teams, and organizations to help them better collaborate, communicate, and transform their culture to support dissent and debate.
When and where
Date and time
Wed, Oct 16, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
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