Serious Play, Serious Results: Redefining Adaptability in the Modern Workplace
Date & Time: Mon, Oct 14, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Venue: UTS Building 8, Collaborative Theatre
Discover how storytelling, collaboration and play can revolutionize your approach to adaptability. To thrive in a rapidly evolving world, businesses and professionals must embrace flexibility, imagination, experimentation and curiosity. Fortunately, play is a powerful learning strategy — creating new neural pathways in as little as 10 repetitions with traditional learning taking 400 to achieve. Join us to explore a simple narrative framework to bring any idea to life, an effective collaboration tool for immediate use in any meeting or brainstorm, and set personal adaptability goals while identifying and overcoming your barriers to change. This workshop equips you with playful, practical tools to navigate change successfully.
When and where
Date and time
Mon, Oct 14, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
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