Featured Session | 4 Secrets of Non-Obvious Thinking with Rohit Bhargava
Date & Time: Mon, Oct 14, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Venue: ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour Theatre

What if you could see the world like a futurist and be a non-obvious thinker? After exploring the front lines of world changing trends and writing about them for more than a decade, this session will be the exclusive premiere of the new book, Non-Obvious Thinking (coming September 2024) from #1 Wall Street Journal best-selling author and founder and Chief Trend Curator at The Non-Obvious Company Rohit Bhargava. Going beyond offering the usual secretive futurist's tour of emerging trends and scenarios, this session will reveal what it takes to identify trends for yourself and isolate patterns the way futurists do. Based on his own successful work teaching tens of thousands of professionals how to be non-obvious thinkers who anticipate the future, this talk will open the Non-Obvious playbook and reveal exactly how to curate and leverage trends for yourself to help you win in 2025 and beyond.
When and where
Date and time
Mon, Oct 14, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
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