Featured Session | Space – How moments create a movement with Katherine Bennell-Pegg
Date & Time: Wed, Oct 16, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Venue: ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour Theatre
The sound of Sputnik. Earthrise. A footstep on the Moon. These 20th Century space moments each reshaped how we view our place in the universe. The way we live, work, think and even survive is being challenged like never before. What is the next moment that will shift humanity’s perspective and propel us forward? Australian astronaut Katherine Bennell-Pegg will challenge you to reflect on why Australians need to get involved in the impending global space renaissance. This session will also give you a chance to ask questions of this Aussie trailblazer.
When and where
Date and time
Wed, Oct 16, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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